To continue our, "What to Expect from Your Process Server" series, we are discussing the steps process servers take when posting an Arizona eviction notice (a.k.a. Nail & Mail). POSTING ARIZONA EVICTION NOTICE IS NOT A TASK YOU CAN DO YOURSELF. This is a process that requires the service of an experienced, certified Arizona process server who truly understands the Arizona law regarding the process of an eviction notice.
What to Expect From Your Process Server
Posting Arizona Eviction Notice (when tenant DOES NOT answer door)
Posting Arizona Eviction Notice
When a Process Server approaches the door with an eviction notice, and the occupant does not answer the door; the process server will tape the eviction notice(s) (one per defendant) to the front door. (We recommend also affixing the eviction notices to the garage door as well; since many people do not enter their home through the front door). As proof of the serve, the process server will snap a photo of the posted eviction notice(s).
Next, the process server mails each defendant a copy of the Eviction Notice via Certified Mail with Return Receipt. This step is done to show the court that an alternative method of contacting the defendant was attempted. The process server retains the certified mailing receipt.
Preparation of the Affidavit of Service
At this point, the process server prepares a packet containing the affidavit of service, photo of posting, & certified mail receipt.
Filing of Affidavit of Service
Filings can be done either by the process server or by the landlord.
• If the process server files with the court, then the process server will email/mail the landlord the court-stamped copy of the filed Affidavit of Service. Now, the landlord just waits for trial.
• If the Process Server does not file with the court, then the process server will email/mail the original Affidavit of Service, photo of posting, & certified mail receipt to the landlord for the landlord to file in court.
Need an Eviction Notice served in Arizona?
Check out our Arizona Eviction Notice page. When you work with Process Server Associates, LLC, you'll have peace of mind knowing your eviction notice is served properly.
Process Server Associates, LLC.
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